20. The Witch's Brew

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Hubble bubble, at the double,

Cooking pot, stir up some trouble.


Into my pot

There now must go

Leg of lamb

And green frog's toe,


Old man's socks,

And dirty jeans,

A rotten egg

And cold baked beans.


Hubble bubble, at the double,

Cooking pot stir up some trouble.


One dead fly

And a wild wasp's sting,

The eye of a sheep

And the heart of a king;


A stolen jewel

And mouldy salt,

And, for good flavour,

A jar of malt.


Hubble bubble, at the double,

Cooking pot, stir up some trouble.


Wing of bird

And head of mouse.

Screams and howls

From haunted house.


And don't forget

The pint of blood,

The sardine tin,

The clod of mud.


Hubble bubble, at the double,

Cooking pot, stir up some trouble.



                                         Wes Magee