Approving publication to Display Boards

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Notifications that there are publications awaiting your approval appear in the Alerts tab.

To approve the publication of projects to display boards, select the Manage Display Boards option from the Admin section by clicking the manage display boardsicon.

(This feature can also be used to change the approval status of projects already previously approved, by marking them as unapproved, or by deleting their association with a display board).

Available Boards 2

On selecting the Manage Display Boards icon, the available boards will be listed, and they can be sorted alphabetically or by priority by clicking to swap between the AZ and priority icons (see picture above).

The boards that require your attention will be marked in red, to indicate that there are projects that are awaiting your approval.

Boards marked in green do not have any projects requiring approval, but you may still enter those boards to edit comments or to unpublish projects.

Boards marked in grey are boards that are currently empty and don't yet have any projects published to them.

You will only be able to see the boards that are associated with your classes or groups (unless you are an Admin user, in which case you will be able to see all the boards).*

Select the board you wish to edit from the left hand menu.

(Alternatively, instead of selecting the board from Manage Display Boards, you can jump straight to the relevant board via the links in the Alerts tab).

On this main screen you can edit your board's settings, see the QR code and share link for the display board, preview the display board, and go to the approval screen.


Click Unapproved items to go into the approval screen.

There are three ways to approve work:

1.Select a project by clicking on it. Select multiple projects by holding the Shift or Ctrl keys on the keyboard while clicking on the projects. Then click the ApprovingItems3 icon to approve selected projects.
2.Open a project by clicking the ApprovingItems4 icon. In this new window, you can review the project and play it if it is interactive, leave comments, and approve the work for the Display Board. You can also edit the pupil or class name (for example, if you will be sharing the board on a blog you may want to take out children's last names).
Tick the box next to Approved to approve the work. Select Save changes if you wish to save your comments and approval status, Save changes & next (if you wish to save your change and continue on to the next project), Delete if you want to deny publication of this project and remove its connection with this display board for the time being** or Cancel to discard any changes made. Clicking the Fullscreen button will open the project in a new tab where it will appear larger.
3.Open any live display board from the home screen and turn on editing by clicking the ApprovingItems6 slider. Now you can edit approved projects or add comments.
Use the Approved items drop down menu and switch your setting to Unapproved items to view projects that have not yet been approved.

To return to the Display Board main screen, click the ApprovingItems8 icon.

Click return to purple mashwhen you're ready to return to Purple Mash.

* Any teacher or administrator with access to a board can approve work of a pupil submitted to that board for approval, regardless of whether that teacher is assigned to that pupil's class.  So if two classes share a board, both teachers will be able to approve work from the other's class.

** Projects deleted from display boards are not deleted from the pupil or teacher's original folder.