Creating a blog

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The following video will show how to create a new blog. Scroll down for a step-by-step guide.

On entering the Manage Blogs Tool either using the admin cog btnAdminCog in the Shared Blogs tab or the icon within the Tools area (Communicating and Sharing section), there is a Welcome screen. Watch the video here for an overview of creating a blog.

The titles of any blogs that have been created are viewable on the left-hand side of the page in a list.  This is split into two tabs: Class Blogs which are blogs created by the teacher and Children Blogs which are created by children.  This section is concerned with Class Blogs.  For details about Children Blogs see the section Child Blogs.


To create a new blog, click on the createBlog button to open the following screen, which has three sections: Details, Design and Security & Access.
