Famous people simulations

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These can be set as 2Dos for children or they can launch them from the icons within the 2Email area of Purple Mash.

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Email content/activities

king alfred

Email 1: People's Opinions Knowledge/Comprehension

Dear Class,

My name is King Alfred. I was King of Wessex from 871 to 899. Many people thought that I would never be king. Why did people think this?

Yours sincerely,

King Alfred


Second Email: Making Peace Comprehension/Analysis

Thank you for your answer. I was crowned king after my brother, Aethelred, died in a battle with the Vikings.

Even though my brother died battling the Vikings, I made peace with them. We allowed the Vikings to settle and occupy the eastern side of Britain.

Why do you think I made peace with the Vikings?

Yours sincerely,

King Alfred


Third Email: Thank you

Thank you for your response.

There are several very good reasons as to why I made peace with them. Most notably, for the benefit of my people.

Take care my loyal subject.

King Alfred.

muhammed ali

First Email: Another name- Knowledge/Comprehension

Dear Class,

My name is Muhammad Ali. I was an American professional Boxer and am known for being one of the best boxers of the 20th Century. When I was younger I had a different name. Can you find out what this name was and why I decided to change it.

Yours sincerely,

Muhammad Ali


Second Email: Famous sayings.. what did I mean?- Evaluation

Thank you for your reply.

I was born with the name Cassius Clay. When I converted to Islam, I changed my name to Muhammad Ali.

I saw the name I was born with ‘Cassius Clay’ as my slave name. I also became involved with the American Civil Rights Movement.

I was known for being an inspirational yet controversial figure both in and out of the boxing ring.

I liked to use words to taunt my opponents. One of my most famous saying was that- ‘I float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.’

Another was- ‘The fight is won or lost far away from witness- behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights.’ What do you think I meant by that? Write an explanation explaining this quote.

Yours sincerely,

Muhammad Ali


Third Email: Thank you

Thank you for your hard work. I hope that you have learnt a lot.

Yours sincerely,

Muhammad Ali

neil armstrong

First Email: My main aim- Comprehension/Analysis


My name is Neil Armstrong. I was the first person to walk on the Moon. I was also an engineer, test pilot and a professor at a university. Why do you think that I wanted to explore space and walk on the moon?

Yours sincerely,

Neil Armstrong


Second Email: An experience out of this world. - Knowledge/Application

Thank you for your response.

Imagine walking on the moon. Write a paragraph describing the experience. Think about what you can see, hear and how you feel.

If you can draw and attach an image of what it would look like.

Yours sincerely,

Neil Armstrong


Third Email: Thank you-

Thank you.

You never know, one day there might be technology available to take you to the moon on a day trip.

Kind regards,

Neil Armstrong.

tim berners-lee

First Email: A few questions for you- Knowledge/Comprehension/Analysis

Dear Class,

My name is Tim Berners- Lee. I am an English engineer and computer scientist. In 1989, I invented the World Wide Web. I have recently been invited to do an assembly at a primary school to explain what I do as a computer scientist. I need your help with a few questions that I have been asked to answer.

The first question I need your help with is- What are the differences between the world wide web and the internet?

Yours sincerely,



Second Email: My 2nd question- Analysis/Evaluation

Thank you for your response.

That is right, the internet is a ‘network of networks’ connecting millions of computers around the world allowing them to communicate.

The World Wide Web is the way which information is accessed using the internet. It uses HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) language to communicate, exchange and share information.

The next question that I need your help with is- What do you think are pros and cons of internet and world wide web and why do you think this?

Yours sincerely,



Third Email: The last question- Synthesis

Thanks for getting back to me.

This is my last question- In ten years’ time how will the internet and world wide web have changed?

Yours sincerely,



Fourth Email: Thank you

Thanks you for your ideas.

Who knows, you may very well be correct.

Kindest regards,



First Email: My speed- Knowledge/Comprehension

Dear Class,

My name is Usain Bolt. I am a Jamaican sprinter and world record holder in the 100 m and 200 m. In 2009, I ran the 100 m in 9.58 seconds. Can you find out how fast I ran the 200 m?

Yours sincerely,

Usain Bolt


Second Email: There are no limits- Evaluation

That is right. I ran the 200 m in 19.19 seconds.

In 2016, I said- “I don’t think limits”. What do you think I meant when I said this?

Yours sincerely,

Usain Bolt


Third Email:The famous pose- Application

Thank you for your reply.

Whenever I ran a race and won I would perform a victory pose. This victory pose has become very famous. I would like you to draw and attach an image of me posing after I have won a race.

Yours sincerely,

Usain Bolt


Fourth Email:Great work

Thank you.

You never know, one day you might become a world famous athlete.

Yours sincerely,

Usain Bolt


First Email: Life saving work- Knowledge/Comprehension

Dear Class,

My name is Edith Cavell. I was a British nurse during World War I. Can you do some research and find out what I did that caused me to become an important figure in the First World War? I look forward to hearing back from you.

Yours sincerely,

Edith Louisa Cavell


Second Email: A famous statement- Analysis/Evaluation

Thank you for your response.

Over my life some of the things that I said were documented. What do you think I meant when I said, "Patriotism is not enough, I must have no hate in my heart"? 

I look forward to hearing your thoughts.

Yours sincerely,

Edith Louisa Cavell


Third Email: Thank you

Thank you for your ideas.

I hope my work during the 1st World War will continue to inspire others to be kind and caring to everyone.

Yours sincerely,

Edith Louisa Cavell

samuel cody

First Email: A high flying pioneer- Knowledge/Comprehension

Dear Class,

My name is Samuel Cody. I was a showman and a pioneer. Can you do some research and find out what I did? What do you think was my most important achievement and why do you think this?

I look forward to hearing back from you.

Yours sincerely,

Samuel Cody


Second Email: New heights- Application

Thank you for your response.

In 1908, I developed the ‘British Army Aeroplane No 1” and on the 16th October 1908, I reached 1,390 ft (420 m). How would you feel if you were flying at that height? Write an account of being up in the air flying. Think about your senses in your writing.

Yours sincerely,

Samuel Cody


Third Email: Thank you

Thank you.

Who knows, one day you might be a famous pioneer too.

Yours sincerely,

Samuel Cody

chris columbas

First Email- Analysis

Dear Class,

My name is Christopher Columbus. I was an Italian Explorer in 1451-1506. I discovered many new lands and had numerous adventures on the seas. Why do you think that I wanted to explore and find undiscovered lands?

Yours sincerely,

Christopher Columbus


Second Email- Knowledge

Thank you for your reply.

I wonder if you could tell me which of the Americas I discovered first?

Yours sincerely,

Christopher Columbus


Third Email- Knowledge

Thank you.

Can you find out about three other places that I discovered and provide me with three facts on each of them.

Yours sincerely,

Christopher Columbus


Fourth Email- Knowledge

Thank you.

Who knows, one day you might be an explorer too!

Yours sincerely,

Christopher Columbus


First Email: A brave event- Knowledge/Comprehension/Application

Dear Class,

My name is Grace Darling. I was born on the 24th November 1815. My father ran a lighthouse in the Farne Islands. In 1838, I did something very brave. Can you research what I did and write a report of the events?

Yours sincerely,

Grace Darling


Second Email: A diary- Application/Synthesis

Thank you for your response.

The night we rescued the survivors of the wreck was awful. We had to be brave and we were very lucky to survive ourselves. Imagine that you were there and write a diary entry as if you were one of the survivors we rescued.

Yours sincerely,

Grace Darling


Third Email: Thank you

Thank you for your diary.

Yours sincerely,

Grace Darling

emily davison

First Email: A big step for fairness- Knowledge/Comprehension

Dear Class,

My name is Emily Davison. I lived in the United Kingdom in the early twentieth century. I was part of the group called the suffragettes. I would like you to research and generate an explanation of who the suffragettes were and what they believed in.

Yours sincerely,

Emily Wilding Davison


Second Email: Why did we do what we did?- Analysis

Thank you for replying.

As part of the suffragette movement we did many things. We marched, we went on hunger strikes and we disrupted organised events such as the Epsom Derby 1913.

Why did we do this? What effect did it have in the end?

Yours sincerely,

Emily Wilding Davison


Third Email: Thank you

We stood up for what we believed, giving many people a voice to be heard.

Take care,

Emily Davison.

sir frances drake

First Email: Hero or villain? - Knowledge/Analysis/Evaluation

Dear Class,

My name is Sir Francis Drake.  I was a famous sea captain during the Elizabethan era. Some people think that I am hero whilst others think that I am a pirate. Generate a balanced argument to explain why people hold these points of view.

Yours sincerely,

Sir Francis Drake


Second Email: The Spanish Armada - Knowledge/Application/Synthesis

Thank you for your reply.

One of my most famous achievements was the defeat of the Spanish Armada. I would like you to research this and write a recount of the battle.

Yours sincerely,

Sir Francis Drake


Third Email: A cool head before battle - Analysis/Evaluation

Thank you

According to some people, before the battle which saw us defeat the Spanish Armada, I partook in a game of bowls. Do you think this is true or not? Explain your reason carefully.

Yours sincerely,

Sir Francis Drake


Fourth Email: Thank you

Thank you for your response.

Take care,

Sir Francis Drake.

jessica ennis

First Email: Sporting events- Knowledge/Comprehension

Dear Class,

My name is Jessica Ennis. I am a British track and field athlete from Sheffield England. Can you find out which events I compete in?

Yours sincerely,

Jessica Ennis


Second Email: Heptathlon- Knowledge/Comprehension

That is right. Heptathlon is my main event but I have competed in the Pentathlon and the hurdles.

The heptathlon is made up of seven different events. Can you find out which events are in the heptathlon?

Yours sincerely,

Jessica Ennis


Third Email- Thank you

Brilliant! The heptathlon is made up of seven different events- 100 m hurdles, high jump, shot put, 200 m, long jump, javelin throw, 800 m.

Yours sincerely,

Jessica Ennis

queen elizabeth i

First Email: A famous father- Knowledge/Comprehension

Dear Class,

My name is Queen Elizabeth I. I was Queen of England, Ireland and Wales from 1558 to 1603.

My question to you is how did I become the Queen?

Yours sincerely,

Queen Elizabeth I


Second Email: The lucky one- Knowledge/Comprehension

Well done. I became the Queen because I was the daughter of King Henry VIII. Even though I was the daughter of King Henry the VIII, I was not meant to be the Queen. There were others who ruled before me. Can you find out who they were and what happened to them?

Yours sincerely,

Queen Elizabeth I


Third Email: Achievements- Knowledge/Analysis/Evaluation

That’s right. Edward VI and Mary I were before me in the line of succession.

My last question for you is this-

What was my greatest achievement as Queen? Why do you think this?

Yours sincerely,

Queen Elizabeth I


Fourth Email- Thank you

Thank you.

I enjoyed communicating with you.

Yours sincerely,

Queen Elizabeth l

erik the red

First Email: Can you help me?- Application

Dear Class,

I have spent three years in exile and I have found a new land which I have decided to call Greenland. Unfortunately, there is no one on this island to keep me company. Can you write a persuasive paragraph inviting the people of Iceland to come and settle here?

Yours ferociously,

Erik the Red


Second Email: - Comprehension

That was a fantastic persuasive paragraph.

How does Greenland compare to where you live? Write a paragraph comparing the two places.




Third Email: Attach a comparison- Comprehension

Thank you for your comparison.

Can you draw me a picture comparing Greenland and where you live?

I look forward to seeing how different it is.




Fourth Email- Thank you


Thank you for all your hard work. I feel so much happier now.

Kindest 'Viking' regards,



First Email: A plot- Knowledge/Comprehension

Dear Class,

My name is Guy Fawkes. Â In 1604, myself and a small group of English Catholics plotted to assassinate the King.

Your task is to research why we did this and summarise it in a paragraph.

Yours sincerely,

Guy Fawkes


Second Email: A celebration on the 5th of November.- Application


Thank you for your response.

It is my understanding that I am still remembered to this day.

Every year on the 5th November my failed plot is celebrated. How do you celebrate the 5th November? Write a paragraph explaining how the 5th November is celebrated in Britain.

Yours sincerely,

Guy Fawkes


Third Email: Fireworks-

Thank you.

Could you design a bonfire night sky and attach the image so that I can see what this looks like?

Yours sincerely,

Guy Fawkes 


Fourth Email- Thank you

Thank you.

It has been a pleasure communicating with you.

Take care,

Guy Fawkes

anne frank

First Email: Occupation of the Netherlands- Knowledge/Comprehension/Evaluation

Dear Class,

My name is Anne Frank. Between the years of 1942 and 1944 I hid from the Germans during their occupation of the Netherlands. In the years that I hid, I documented my life in my diary. I would like you to research what happened and answer this question- Why my family have to go into hiding? How do you feel about this?

Yours sincerely,

Anne Frank


Second Email: In hiding- Application

Thank you for your reply.

I would like you to imagine that you are in hiding with us.

What is happening? How do you feel? Write your own account of being with us. Use descriptive/emotive language.

Yours sincerely,

Anne Frank


Third Email: Thank you-

Thank you for your reply.

Do you think that learning about what happened in my life could influence the daily life of people like you today?

For example, building a strong understanding of right and wrong or helping others in need and not always putting yourself first.

Share your responses with your teacher.

Yours sincerely,

Anne Frank.

henry Viii

First Email: My famous wives- Knowledge/Comprehension

Dear Class,

My name is King Henry VIII. I was King of England from 1509 to 1547. Many people remember me for having six wives. Can you find out who they were and what happened to them?

Yours sincerely,

King Henry VIII


Second Email: My number one aim.- Knowledge/Comprehension

Well done.

There was Catherine of Aragon, whom I divorced.

Anne Boleyn, I beheaded.

Jane Seymour unfortunately died.

Anne of Cleves, I divorced.

Catherine Howard was beheaded.

Catherine Parr, my last wife, survived.

Now that you have done some research about me, answer this- What did I want more than anything? Why did I want this?

Yours sincerely,

King Henry VIII


Third Email- Thank you

I wanted a son so that he could be King after me.

Yours sincerely,

King Henry VIII

matthew henson

First Email: Exploring the Arctic- Analysis

Dear Class,

My name is Matthew Henson. I was an African- American Arctic explorer. Why do you think that I wanted to explore the Arctic? Write a paragraph explaining why you think this.

Yours sincerely,

Matthew Henson


Second Email: Expedition to Greenland- Knowledge/Comprehension

Thank you for your reply.

I think that you would have made a good explorer. What was important about our 1909 expedition to Greenland?

Yours sincerely,

Matthew Henson


Third Email: Many thanks

Thank you for your answer.

We were the first to reach the Geographic North Pole.

Yours sincerely,

Matthew Henson

martin luther king

First Email: American Civil Rights Movement- Knowledge/Comprehension/Application

Dear Class,

My name is Martin Luther King Jr. I was a leader in the American Civil Rights Movement. I would like you to research what the American Civil Rights Movement was and why it happened. Write a paragraph summarising the American Civil Rights Movement.

Many thanks,

Martin Luther King Jr


Second Email: The famous speech- Knowledge/Comprehension/Analysis

Thank you for your summary.

One of my most important moments was my “I Have a Dream” speech, which was delivered in the shadow of the Lincoln Memorial. Can you give three reasons why this speech was important, not only to me, but to America?

Thank you once again for your help with this.

Kind regards,

Martin Luther King Jr


Third Email: Thank you

Thank you.

Still to this very day, my speech is one of the most famous ever to have been heard.

Kind regards,

Martin Luther King Jr.

nelson mandela

First Email: My arrest- Knowledge/Comprehension/Application

Dear Class,

My name is Nelson Mandela. I was the President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999. I was the first black president of South Africa. My presidency focussed on dismantling the apartheid and tackling racism. In my early life, things were very different for me, and in 1962 I was arrested. Can you find out what happened and write a paragraph summarising this.

Many thanks,

Nelson Mandela


Second Email: Madiba- Knowledge/Comprehension

That is interesting, thank you.

Many people referred to me by my Xhosa clan name which was Madiba. Can you find out what Madiba means?

Thank you once again for your help with this.

Kind regards,

Nelson Mandela


Third Email: Thank you

Thank you for your reply.

Madiba is a term used for older people, particularly men. Some people used it because they believed me to be the father of the South African nation.

Thank you once again for your help with this.

Kind regards,

Nelson Mandela

isaac newton

First Email: The discovery of gravity- Knowledge/Comprehension/Application

Dear Class,

My name is Isaac Newton. I was an English physicist who lived nearly four hundred years ago. I am known for discovering the force of gravity. Some people believe that I discovered gravity when I saw an apple fall from a tree whilst others believe that this story is greatly embellished. Your task is to research what happened and write a paragraph summarising this.

Yours sincerely,

Isaac Newton


Second Email: Other discoveries- Knowledge/Comprehension

Thank you for your reply.

Even though I am famed for discovering gravity, I in fact made many more discoveries. Can you list three other discoveries that I made and find out why they were important?

Yours sincerely,

Isaac Newton


Third Email- Interesting

Thank you for your reply.

I have enjoyed communicating with you. Who knows, one day you might be a famous scientist.

Yours sincerely,

Isaac Newton


First Email: I have more than one name- Knowledge/Comprehension

Dear Class,

My name is Florence Nightingale. I was a nurse during the Crimean War. Some of the soldiers that I treated in the Crimean War knew me by another name. Can you find out what this name was and why they called me this?

Yours sincerely,

Florence Nightingale


Second Email: The lady with the lamp needs a report urgently written.- Application/Analysis

Thank you for your reply.

They called me “The Lady with the Lamp”.

The conditions that the soldiers faced were horrific. I would like you to write a report, that I can send back to the British Government, explaining the conditions and what needs to be done to improve them.

Yours sincerely,

Florence Nightingale


Third Email- Thank you

Thank you for your report. Hopefully this will help improve conditions for our soldiers.

Yours sincerely,

Florence Nightingale


First Email: Can you help with a project?- Knowledge/Analysis

Dear Class,

My name is Barack Obama. I was the 44th President of the United States of America. During my presidency, I introduced many acts which benefited the American people. Recently, I received an email from a school doing a project about me. They have some questions that they need answering. Can you help them?

Question- In what year did I win my first presidential election and why was it historically important?

Many thanks,

Barack Obama


Second Email: Achievements - Knowledge/Comprehension

Excellent work on that previous question.

Just one more question- What do you think were the most important things I achieved in my time as president? Can you give three examples?

Thank you once again for your help with this.

Kind regards,

Barack Obama


Third Email- Thank you

Thank you,

Who knows, one day you maybe an important influential person.

Kind regards,

Barack Obama

jesse owens

First Email: Gold medals- Knowledge/Comprehension

Dear Class,

My name is Jesse Owens. I was an American track and field athlete and four-time Olympic gold medallist in the 1936 Berlin Olympic games.

In which events did I receive my Olympic gold medals?

Yours sincerely,

Jesse Owens


Second Email: Meaningful words- Comprehension/Evaluation

That is right. I won the gold medal in the 100 m, 200 m, 4 x 100 m relay and the long jump.

I once said - The battles that count aren’t the ones for gold medals. The struggles within yourself – the invisible, inevitable battles inside all of us – that’s where it’s at.

What do you think I meant by this? 

Yours sincerely,

Jesse Owens


Third Email- Thank you

Thank you for your reply.

Who knows, one day you may become a famous athlete.

Take care,

Jesse Owens

rosa parks

First Email: Research- Knowledge/Comprehension/Application

Dear Class,

My name is Rosa Parks. I was an activist in the American Civil Rights Movement.

In 1955, I was arrested for refusing to obey a bus driver and give up my seat on the bus. Your task is to research why I refused to give up my seat and write a paragraph about this.

Many thanks,

Rosa Parks


Second Email: Comparing the past to the present.- Knowledge/Comprehension

Thank you for your paragraph.

The world has come a long way since then. Write a paragraph comparing the world that I lived in to the world as it is now.

Thank you once again for your help with this.

Kind regards,

Rosa Parks


Third Email: Positive change- Synthesis

Thank you for your comparison.

Even though the world has improved, I still believe that there is more work to be done. We can make the world a better place by promoting equal rights. If there is something we think is unfair in the world, then we can change it. We can make the world a better place.

Choose one thing that you would like to change to make the world a better place. Write an explanation of what this is and how you would make this change.

Kind regards,

Rosa Parks


Third Email- Thank you

Thank you.

I hope that you found this interesting and see the importance of the things that I did and took part in.

Kind regards,

Rosa Parks

captain smail

First Email: Facilities on the Titanic

Dear Class,

My name is Captain Edward John Smith. I was the captain of RMS Titanic, one of the most famous ships to have ever sailed.

RMS Titanic was an incredible British passenger liner which had the latest innovations for its time.

Despite there being first, second and third class, passenger luxury and comfort for all classes was a top design consideration.

Can you tell me what facilities were on board this marvellous ship for each of the different classes of passenger?  

I look forward to receiving your response.

Yours sincerely,

Captain E. J. Smith


Second Email: Food on the Titanic

Thank you for your response.

There were numerous facilities for first class passengers such as a gym, squash courts, Turkish baths, exclusive dining and lounge areas.

Second class passengers could enjoy slightly fewer and less luxurious facilities such as a library, smoke room and second class dining room.

Third class passengers experienced even less luxurious facilities than second class. However, for the time, they were far better than other passenger liners. Facilities included a dining area with a small galley to serve meals and a general room for socialising.

What was the food like on board the RMS Titanic? Were their differences between the classes?

I await your response.

Yours sincerely,

Captain E. J. Smith


Third Email- Accommodation on the Titanic

Thank you for your response.

First class passengers were served meals of the very highest standard. The dining area provided an atmosphere of sheer luxury, with elegant decorations and a wide range of beautifully presented meals on offer.

Second class passengers were offered almost as high quality meals as first class passengers, however there was less choice and few courses.

Third class passengers were offered simple food with little choice. However, there was enough food for everyone in third class.

What was the accommodation like on board RMS Titanic? I would like you to use the link below to write about the accommodation detailing the changes you would have made to it if you designed it.


Good luck and don’t forget to save and share your work with your teacher.

Yours sincerely,

Captain E.J. Smith

queen victoria

First Email: Becoming a famous queen- Knowledge/Comprehension

Dear loyal subject,

My name is Queen Victoria. I was Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland from 1837 to 1901.

My question to you is how did I become the Queen?

Yours sincerely,

Queen Victoria


Second Email:Prince Albert - Knowledge/Comprehension/Application

Thank you for your reply to my question.

I became the Queen because my father was the son of King George III. My father died when I was a baby and not long after King George III died. My uncle became the King. His name was King George IV. Unfortunately, King George IV didn’t have any children, nor did King William IV so because I was the next in line, I became the Queen.

In 1840, I married Prince Albert. I would like you to research him and write a short biography about who he was.

Yours sincerely,

Queen Victoria


Third Email: Great change- Knowledge

Thank you for your response.

During my reign, Britain changed significantly. I would like you to list some of the changes that took place during my reign as Queen.

Yours sincerely,

Queen Victoria


Fourth Email- Thank you

Thank you my loyal subject.

I hope you feel you have learnt a lot about me and my time as a reigning monarch.

Yours sincerely,

Queen Victoria