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2Email is a safe place to teach children how to use email.

PLEASE NOTE - In order to use 2Email, children (and teachers) will need their own log-ins. If you are currently using a single log-in per class or group, and would like to set up individual log-ins yourself, then please see the User Guide to doing so in the Create and Manage Users tool. Alternatively, please contact support at or 0208 203 1781 and we can talk you through this.

User Interface

There are different styles and functions for younger and older children to ensure that children are working at the appropriate level, and a Teacher Mode gives teachers a classic layout and advanced features. Since 2Email only works within Purple Mash, children can only email Purple Mash users in their school.

Use the 2Email Settings, to set the level of use for classes. As well as choosing the interface the children will use, there are settings to allow them to email other children in the school, email their teachers, and whether they can send their emails directly or have them queued for approval by a teacher.

2Respond and 2Respond Creator

2Email also includes 2Respond. This tool contains simulation activities that children can use to practice emailing skills. An email simulation from one of the Purple Mash Practice Users (fictitious character) will send them an email with a question or request. Additionally, when teachers compose an email to children, they can change the sender from themselves to one of the Purple Mash Practice Users.  After responding to the initial email from a simulation, children will receive follow-up emails containing more tasks relating to the first email. These tasks include everything from creating lists of party supplies and ingredients for a healthy snack, to drawing package designs or describing how to play a favourite sport.

A final feature of 2Email is called 2Respond Creator.  This allows teachers to create their own customised 2Respond activities on any topic that they wish to use for children to complete.