Changing Judgements for objectives on multiple pieces of work

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Handed in 2Dos

Image 1 shows multiple files selected for handed in 2Dos. Looking at the 'Judgements' column, you can see that 6 judgements at Achieved have been made against these 3 pieces of work.

muliptle pieces selected


By clicking on any of the judgements Ach or the 'Judgements' button judgements,  the 'Enter judgements' screen will appear. In the example in image 2, you can see that 2 objectives have been applied to each piece of work. The 'Achieved' judgement can be easily changed to a different level of attainment, additionally an objective can be removed and added.

Capture new

Work in a shared folder

Work in shared folders such as 'Class' or individual pupil folders can have judgements changed. In image 3, two files have been selected which have a total of four judgements applied to them.

Judgements multiple online work

Upon clicking any of the judgements Achor the 'Judgements' button judgements, the 'Enter judgements' screen will appear (image 4). From here you will be presented with a blank judgements screen where you will need to set a new over riding judgement which will apply to any of the files selected. You can also 'Add more objectives' as required.

multiple judge selected