Interpreting scores reports

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Interpreting a 'non-progression' scores report

Image 1 shows a scores report generated from the following:

Show for - all pupils assigned to teacher;
Scores type - 2Race;
Activity - Addition up to 20;
Select Metric - All;
Period - 2018-06-05 to 2018-11-21;
Show progression - Unchecked;
School hours only - Unchecked.

interpreting scores report



All the columns can be re-ordered by simply clicking on them. In this example, (image 2) they have been left to the default (Pupil Name - Alphabetical order).

reporting scores 3


The top row highlighted (image 3) shows an average for all the columns. This is handy for teachers to use as a quick glance of how all pupils are performing within a group/cohort/class.

Scores reporting averages

Digging a little deeper

By using the sorting feature, children at risk from under performing can be easily identified - the colour coding for 'Accuracy' and 'Finish Percentile' in this report are handy indicators. Along with 'Quesitons Asked' against 'Correct Count' compared against 'Averages' row.

Interpreting a 'progression' scores report

Image 4 shows a scores report generated from the following:

Show for - Class 1;
Scores type - 2Quiz Spelling;
Activity - Week 1 Quiz (ai sound);
Select Metric - Score;
Period - All time;
Show progression - Checked;
School hours only - Unchecked.

scores progression 1

Date Columns

A progression report shows entries of data captured over time, with each date entry showing on a week by week basis. For example if two scores activities were completed each week. The data in each of the week columns represents an average of those activities. Image 5 shows an example, it is clear to see the most recent week is always in the furthest right column.

progression week by week labels

Changing metric

It is only possible to display one metric at a time when producing a progression report. Image 6 demonstrates a change of metric to 'Accuracy' which gives a very visual indicator over time of performance measured against 'Accuracy'.

progression over time change metric